Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Octavio Paz

1914 – 1998 CE

Persuasive poet and convincing social commentator

Poet, diplomat, penetrating social commentator, one of the most important 20th century writers, and one of the greatest Hispanic poets; Octavio Paz dissolved his cultural prejudices and became a true world citizen. After traveling extensively in Asia, Europe, and the USA, he became Mexico’s ambassador to India. He criticized his countrymen as “instinctive nihilists who hide behind masks of solitude and ceremoniousness" and resigned from his Mexican diplomatic service when the government massacred students in 1968. Famous for his remarkable poetry that won a Nobel Prize for Literature, he balanced this kind of writing with influential political commentaries in popular magazines he founded.


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Quotes by Octavio Paz (11 quotes)

“Chuang Tzu is not only a remarkable philosopher but also a great poet.”

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“Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.”

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“To read a poem is to hear it with our eyes; to hear it is to see it with our ears.”

Themes: Poetry

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“Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two.”

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“We are condemned to kill time, thus we die bit by bit.”

Themes: Time

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“We all have our own personality, unique and distinctive; and at the same time, this distinctive personality blends with the wind, with the footsteps in the street, with the noises around the corner, and with the silence of memory”

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“The sound of water is worth more than all the poets' words.”

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“A work of literature survives because of translations, interpretations, which are, in fact, resurrections: without them, there would be no work.”

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“The American War of Independence was the expulsion of the intrusive elements, alien to the American essence. If American reality is the reinvention of itself, whatever is found in any way irreducible or unassimilable is not American.”

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“The word for death is not pronounced n New York, in Paris, in London, because it burns the lips. The Mexican, in contrast, is familiar with death, jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it; it is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love.”

Themes: Death and Dying

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“Contemporary man has rationalized the myths, but he has not been able to destroy them.”

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Quotes about Octavio Paz (0 quotes)

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