Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Shantipa ཤཱནྟི་པ།

("The Academic")

late 10th to mid-11th century

Mahasiddha #12

“Keeper of the Southern Gate,” student of Naropa, teacher of Atisa, and an academic famous throughout ancient India; Shantipa was invited by the king of Sri Lanka to teach his people. He visited the island with 2000 monks and big baskets of Dharma texts carried by horses and oxen. Welcomed by the people with joy, openness, and excitement, he taught the Buddhist teachings for 3 years and received immense and valuable gifts, honor and fame. Returning to India he met one of his earlier disciples, Kotalipa who had become a Mahasiddha himself. This made Shantipa realize that he was seduced the words of his own teachings and had missed the sense. He became a disciple of his disciple, began his practice again at a very old age, and eventually realized the sense beneath the words he had expounded for so many decades.



Quotes by Shantipa (6 quotes)

“The malaise of belief in ‘I’ and ‘mine’ is instantly cured…”

from Masters of Mahamudra

Chapters: 13. Honor and Disgrace

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“I have never experienced the perfect reality that I teach.”

from Masters of Enchantment

Chapters: 38. Fruit Over Flowers

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“Make perception of reality as perfect awareness a constant habit.”

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“All abstract labeling is futile, the cause of anxiety.”

from Masters of Mahamudra

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“All pleasure and pain arise in the mind so cultivate mind’s nature; awaken consciousness in the heart’s core.”

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“Cultivate the mountain of mind and realize the pure pleasure of mind’s nature.”

from Masters of Mahamudra

Themes: Mind

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