Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Kukkuripa ཀུ་ཀྐུ་རི་པ།

("The Dog Lover")

915 CE –

Mahasiddha #34

Kukkuripa “The Dog King” ཀུ་ཀྐུ་རི་པ། (10th century CE)
A wandering ascetic, Kukkuripa found and adopted a starving dog brought it back with him to the cave where he lived and meditated. Kukkuripa’s meditation practice took him to pleasurable, psychological god realms but memories of his dog connected him back to the real world where he saw his loyal dog sad, thin, and starving. Spurning the luxury, comfort and extravagance; he returned to the cold, dark, very uncomfortable cave out of compassion for the dog. The dog then became his teacher blending his mind-stream with the deepest insight of all the Buddhas. Naropa sent Marpa to study with him and he became one of Marpa’s most important teachers, famous for his songs of realization, and a “patron saint” for all the downtrodden and oppressed. Mahasiddha #34



Quotes by Kukkuripa (3 quotes)

“Ritual worship is futile and conceals the truth.”

Themes: Truth Religion

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“Where conscious effort and striving are present, the Buddha is absent.”

Chapters: 57. Wu Wei

Themes: Wu Wei

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“The mundane power of gods is delusory for they still retain the notion of self.”

Themes: Egolessness Power

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