Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Jayānanda ཛ་ཡཱ་ནནྡ།།

("Crow Master")

11th - 12th century

Mahasiddha #58

A Tantric Buddhist master practicing in Bengal during a time when Buddhism was illegal, Jayananda was exposed by a jealous neighbor and imprisoned by the anti-Buddhist king. Before being captured though, he had befriended and fed a big flock of crows. In Tibetan culture crows are considered bad omens, capable of bringing great harm, and feared. But in a symbol of tantric transformation, Jayananda had made the crows allies. Then—metaphorically as crows or symbolically as an inclusion of the negative—the king was upended, reduced to hiding under his thrown, and as a consequence became a great and influential siddha himself. Mahasiddha #58



Quotes by Jayānanda (2 quotes)

“My king is the naturally radiant nature of being who defeats the hostile powers of duality—innate, spontaneously arising awareness.”

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“Free from duality, preconception, and discursive thought; the realization of pure awareness and knowledge assures freedom.”

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