Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Robert Beer

Nirgunapa ནིརྒུ་ཎ་པ།

(9th century)

"The Enlightened Moron" #57

Born into a low-caste family and inflicted with a moronic lassitude, depression, and such a lack of intelligence and skill that his parents thought it would have been better had he not been born; Nirgunapa sunk into the depths of suffering and despair. While unable to spark even enough motivation to beg for food, a teacher found him in a remote place and gave him enough food to survive. The teacher offered to give him a spiritual practice and Nirgunapa accepted with the condition that he not have to get up off his back. Exemplifying the principle of basic goodness in spite of possessing none of the materialistic qualities valued by society, he became a great teacher. While wandering through villages, when he met someone who asked him a question, he answered only by gazing into their eyes and crying which awoke in them a deep sense of compassion.


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Quotes by Nirgunapa (2 quotes)

“True teachings pacify violent emotions, conflicting thoughts, and still these wave-like disturbances in meditation.”

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“When the midstream has become clear light—the indivisibility of appearances and emptiness—free of inhibition, you can wander in the villages as a crazy saint.”

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Quotes about Nirgunapa (0 quotes)

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