Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Dharmapa thos pa’i shes rab bya ba


“The Perpetual Student” — Mahasiddha #36

Dharmapa lived his life as a scholar, a professor, a pandita. He spent his entire life studying and teaching but gave little time or attention to meditation or other practices. He didn't become aware of the gap this left in his awareness until he was old and blind. He realized his need for a teacher but was no longer in a position to fine one. A dakini appeared in a dream however, and taught him the difference between analytical understanding and realization. He showed Dharmapa how he could—like a blacksmith melting pieces of iron into a single ingot—melt all the disparate strands of his knowledge into a unified experience of true mind and wisdom.



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Quotes by Dharmapa (2 quotes)

“Susceptible to the venom of dualistic thought, intellectual minds are poisoned by analysis.”

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“As the smith melts fragments of metal, fusing the into a single ingot, dissolve the fragments of your knowledge in the vast expanse of your mind's nature.”

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Quotes about Dharmapa (0 quotes)

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