Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Cat Stevens

(Steven Demetre Georgiou, Yusuf Islam)

1948 CE –

Singer-songwriter, musician, humanitarian, and brave artist dedicated to principle over fame and fortune; Cat Stevens had a Greek Orthodox father, a Baptist mother, went to a Catholic school, wrote an album based on a famous Zen teaching, converted to Islam and abandoned his musical career for 30 years. He used his music-derived wealth to promote Muslim philanthropic and educational causes and continues to help famine victims in Africa and thousands of orphans and families in the Balkans, Indonesia, and Iraq. Although always condemning terrorism and Islamic extremism, he was deported by Israel and ironically after the 9/11 attacks while on a tour with Dolly Parton promoting the song Peace Train; he was put on a US No-Fly list, briefly detained, and forced to fly back to the UK. Today he still continues his musical, philanthropic, and peace-making work.


Quotes by Cat Stevens (6 quotes)

“What makes me me, what makes you you? It’s just a different point of view, a state of mind I’m going through…”

Chapters: 13. Honor and Disgrace

Themes: Egolessness

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“Praise for the singing, praise for the morning, praise for them springing fresh from the world”

Themes: Sacred World

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“In Islam there is something called the principle of common good... whenever one is confronted by something that is not mentioned in the scriptures, one must observe what benefit it can bring. Does it serve the common good, does it protect the spirit, and does it serve God?”

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“Oh, I've been smiling lately, reaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be, someday it's going to come”

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“I'm looking for hard headed woman, one who'll make me do my best
And if I find my hard headed woman, I know the rest of my life will be blessed”

Themes: Marriage

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“See them coming now, can’t you hear them shout? Stop running from, stop stealing from, stop pointing guns at... My People, keep on keeping on.”

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Quotes about Cat Stevens (0 quotes)

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