Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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O​rpheus /ˈɔːrfiəs

7th century BCE

"Greatest poet and musician of all time"

Accepted by most ancient sources as a real person but also shrouded in myth and legend, Greeks venerated Orpheus as the greatest poet and musician of all time believing his music could charm animals, divert rivers, and even make rocks and trees dance. As prophet, musical archetype, and founder of the Orphic mysteries; his influence on art, poetry, film, opera, music, and painting continues into modern times. As well as influencing Stoic pantheism and the Neo-Platonists’ asceticism; he continued a mystic cult migrated from Egyptian Osiris that included the suffering, death, and resurrection of a divine son; judgments at death of heaven, hell, or purgatory; “original sin,” and a communion sacrament of eating a god’s body and blood; it became a basis for the Christianity flourishing today.


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Quotes by O​rpheus (3 quotes)

“Love is stronger than death.”

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“My lyre must always play. For without music we are nothing. We knead the shapes out of nothing. Tunes out of silence, love out of hate. Music that lasts forever.”

Themes: Music

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“I have sung storms to sleep. I have made the clashing rocks move away from our ship. I have been to the end of the world and seen things more terrible, more beautiful than I thought could be.”

Themes: Travel

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Quotes about O​rpheus (5 quotes)

“Before all, be real. Only the truth gives the power of Orpheus’ lyre to the word.”

Pythagorus 570 – 495 BCE
(of Samos)
"The most influential philosopher of all time"

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“The one so loved that a single lyre raised more lament than lamenting women ever did; and that from the lament a world arose in which everything was there again”

Rainer Maria Rilke 1875 – 1926 CE
Profound singer of universal music

Themes: Problems

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“Nothing is as contagious as enthusiasm. It is the real allegory of the myth of Orpheus; it moves stones, and charms brutes. It is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it.”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772 – 1834 CE

Themes: Inspiration

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“It was generally believed that Orpheus learned his music from the birds. His small voice, piping after theirs, filled with all the secret stories of the earth.”

Ann Wroe 1
Historian, journalist, author
from Orpheus: The Song of Life

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“Orpheus with his lute made trees, and the mountain tops that freeze bow themselves when he did sing; there had made a lasting spring… In sweet music is such art, killing care and grief of heart”

William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616 CE

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