Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Mikhail Bakunin

1814 – 1876 CE

Romantic rebel, revolutionary anarchist, founding father of modern socialism

Revolutionary anarchist, famous ideologue, and founder of collective anarchism; Bakunin promoted anti-authoritarian Socialism which put him at bitter odds with Marx and his followers who wanted to establish authoritarian people's states. This philosophical disagreement grew into a bitter hatred, a slander campaign by Marx, Bakunin's exile and 12-year imprisonment. When his warnings about Marxist states becoming one-party dictatorships proved prophetic, his influence regained credence and his influence spread into modern times through thinkers like Noam Chomsky, Kropotkin, Herbert Marcuse, Neil Postman, and A.S. Neill becoming—in many ways—more influential than Ma


Unlisted Sources

​ Rousseau's Theory of the State (1873)

Dieu et l´Etat

Gesammelte Werke

God and the State (1871)

Le Progrés (1869)

Man, Society, and Freedom (1871)

Quotes by Mikhail Bakunin (17 quotes)

“Throw theory into the fire, it only spoils life.”

Themes: Opinion

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“If God existed, it would be necessary to abolish him.”

Themes: God

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“In a word, we object to all legislation, all authority, and all influence—privileged, official and legal, even when it has proceeded from universal suffrage—convinced that it must always turn to the profit of a dominating and exploiting minority, against the interests of the immense majority enslaved.”

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“The great honor of Christianity, its incontestable merit, and the whole secret of its unprecedented and yet thoroughly legitimate triumph, lay in the fact that it appealed to that suffering and immense public to which the ancient world—a strict and cruel intellectual and political aristocracy—denied even the simplest rights of humanity. Otherwise it never could have spread.”

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“Authoritarian socialism—Marxist communism—demands a strong centralization of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank”

Themes: Socialism

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“Theology is the science of the divine lie, jurisprudence the science of the human lie, and metaphysics and idealistic philosophy the science of the half-lie”

from Gesammelte Werke

Themes: Deception Lies

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“The subordination of labor to capital is the source of all slavery: political, moral, and material.”

from Gesammelte Werke

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“From each according to his faculties; to each according to his needs.”

from Gesammelte Werke

Themes: Strategy

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“Socialism admits freedom only after equality—in equality and through equality—because freedom outside of equality can only create privilege.”

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“Religion is a collective insanity. It has always sanctified violence and transformed it into 'right.' It has whisked away humanity, justice, and fraternity into a fictitious heaven, so as to leave room on earth for the reign of iniquity and brutality.”

from Le Progrés (1869)

Themes: Religion

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“Both [Church and State] have the same principle as their point of departure: that of the natural wickedness of man... Both strive to transform men, the one into a saint, the other into a citizen. But the natural man must die.”

from Le Progrés (1869)

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“Christianity is the complete negation of common sense.”

from God and the State (1871)

Themes: Christianity

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“The liberty of humanity consists in obeying the laws of nature—not because they have been imposed by on external will, but because the individual has personally recognized them”

from God and the State (1871)

Themes: Freedom

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“There are three ways for people to escape their wretched lot in life: the wine shop, the Church, or social revolution.”

Themes: Revolution

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“I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation.”

from Man, Society, and Freedom (1871)

Themes: Compassion

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“We are firmly convinced that the most imperfect republic is a thousand times better than the most enlightened monarchy. In a republic, there are at least brief periods when the people, while continually exploited, is not oppressed; in the monarchies, oppression is constant.

from ​ Rousseau's Theory of the State (1873)

Themes: Democracy

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“All law has for its object to confirm and exalt into a system the exploitation of the workers by a ruling class.”

from Dieu et l´Etat

Themes: Law and Order

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Quotes about Mikhail Bakunin (1 quotes)

“As a romantic rebel and an active force in history, Bakunin exerted a personal attraction that Marx could never rival... was not a systematic thinker; and yet, however erratic and unmethodical, his writings abound in flashes of insight that illuminate some of the most important social questions of his time — and of ours.”

Paul Avrich 1931 – 2006 CE

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