Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Book of History

By Sima Guang

“The Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance" 資治通鑑, Zizhi Tongjian
A pioneering, universal history of China that took most of the great historians and scholars of the time, almost unlimited governmental funding, and 19 years of diligent scholarship. In 294 volumes with c. 3 million Chinese characters, it records the 1400-year history of the 16 dynasties between 403 BCE and 959 CE. Radically changing the traditional, biographical writing style to a chronological style with abbreviations and references it created an influence that made criticizing and learning from history much more possible. Zhu Xi in the 12th century made a condensed version that was translated into Manchu, French, and English spreading knowledge of China throughout the world.


Quotes from Book of History

“[Leaders—emperors or hegemons] entrusted the worthy and employed the capable, rewarded the good and punished the evil, prohibited cruelty and executed the rebellious. Therefore, they differ in the honor or pettiness of their status, in the depth or shallowness of their virtue, in the greatness or insignificance of their achievements, in the breadth or narrowness of their governmental orders, but they do not contradict each other like white and black or sweet and bitter.”


Themes: Leadership

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“A ruler who is unwilling to hear of his faults can turn loyalty into flattery, while a ruler pleased by straight talk turns flattery into loyalty,”


Themes: Know Yourself

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“Bei Zhu was able to contest this case forcefully at court and did not pretend acquiescence. If every matter is handled this way, what cause will there be to worry about misgovernment?”


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“The Five Joys:
1. Long life
2. Wealth
3. Health—soundness of body, serenity of mind
4. Love of Integrity
5. An end crowning the life”


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“Your Majesty relies too heavily on punishments. It would be appropriate to employ scholars.”


Themes: Punishment

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