Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Six States of Bardo

By Chögyam Trungpa

Compiled from a seminar in Allenspark, Colorado in 1971; this was one of Chögyam Trungpa's earliest teachings in the US. An early student, Chris Keyser, who had hitch-hiked and gotten a ride to this seminar in a delivery truck, described it in this way, ”I have many vivid memories of those 10 days which were extremely formative in my 21-year-old life and emerging Buddhist path. Rinpoche’s teachings were utterly unfathomable and equally captivating.”

Quotes from Six States of Bardo

“Death could be said to be birth at the same time… The moment something ends, the next birth takes place naturally. So death is the re-creating of birth.”

Chapters: 52. Cultivating the Changeless

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“Emotionally, spiritually, domestically, politically; things don't seem to be associated or connected with each other and somehow these isolated situations, which from our confused way of thinking seem to have nothing to do with the basic quality of continuity, are the continuity itself.”


Themes: Continuity

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“Nothing is fatalistic, everything is continuously growing, as an evolutionary, developing process. Rebirth takes place every moment, every instant is death; every instant is birth.”


Themes: Continuity

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“People pick up some kind of psychic vibrations that you put out, and before you exchange words there is a kind of meeting of the two psyches... If you can afford to be what you are, then that automatically means you could receive others as your guests which makes them feel more comfortable and welcome.”


Themes: True Self

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“The process of birth and death is continual, taking place all the time… in the West people make birth more important. You congratulate someone for having a child, and you have parties for birthdays. But there are no parties for dying.”

Chapters: 52. Cultivating the Changeless

Themes: Death and Dying

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“The ultimate idea of rebirth is not purely the idea of physical birth and death. Physical birth and death are very crude examples of it, actually. It's a changing, evolutionary process: there's nothing you can grasp onto; everything is changing. But there is some continuity, of course—the change is the continuity.”


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