Most consider Buddhism a spiritual practice far from the turmoil and conflict of politics. Chogyam Trungpa however doesn't make a separation and insists that a true spiritual approach to life doesn't reject the mundane, the everyday, the political. It does take a radically unconventional approach though by rejecting all goal-oriented, utopian, idealistic attitudes. Not based on a conceptual foundation based on hope, this view looks toward unbiased openness, personal but egoless responsibility, and authentic compassion.
The idea in the Western world is bringing the Kingdom of God to earth, or trying `to create the ideal Jewish level which is really a poverty-stricken way of viewing it. As long as we condemn ourselves, no confidence can take place. People are bewildered and only rely on technicians, technocrats, theologians, politicians...”
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“Christianity, more or less, has been a religion of a future life. Life here is very ephemeral and we are here only in order to prepare ourselves for another life, a greater life, which comes after death... A great deal of social evolution didn't take place because the attitude was to keep to the status quo since this life was not supposed to be improved; you are supposed to accept it as God's will”
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“Politics are often based on bad-mouthing and copying someone else's aggression. This only snowballs making things worse. A Buddhist approach would look at the chaos and problems that exist as delightful and something to confidently work on.”
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“The best approach is a long-term approach,,, trying to develop some trend of continuity in a different direction rather than believing there will be tremendous good news if the right person is elected. It takes the work of centuries.”
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“The Buddhist approach is not based on hope. It would look at the chaos and problems that exist as delightful and something to work on relaxed with the turmoil in complete confidence.”
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“The Buddhist idea of a politician is not so much one of a con man or of a businessman who wins favor with everybody, but someone who simply does what is necessary… having a sense of responsibility to society.”
78. Water
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“We can't expect a golden age... if we have a long period of time without a war, everyone will be effected by a depression; if we have a long period of economic high, everyone will just abuse themselves completely.”
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“When we talk of nationalism, that is a sign of weakness. A person wants to fight just anyone who enters his territory, to defend himself. As a sign, a symbol, that becomes an expression of a source of territory and patheticness.”
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