Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Tantipa ཏནྟི་པ།

("The Senile Weaver")

1st half of 9th century

Mahasiddha #13

When he was 89 years old, Tantipa’s wife died and he became increasingly decrepit and senile. Becoming more and more of a liability to his weaving business and an embarrassment to his family, they built a hidden-away hut for him so they and visitors wouldn’t have to see or hear him. A passing-through Mahasiddhia, Jalandhara gave him teachings and practices to prepare for death and after many years of his silent meditation practice, he overcame the debilities of old age, attained the highest realization, became involved again in his cultural world even stopping the practice of animal sacrifice in his district. His life symbolizes and represents both the internal and external potentials of old age, the inspiration that any condition is fertile ground for enlightenment.


Quotes by Tantipa (1 quotes)

“From the play of pure knowledge and endless space, I weave cloth of perfect insight into emptiness.”

Chapters: 2. The Wordless Teachings

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