Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Mildred Dresselhaus

(“the Queen of Carbon”)

1930 – 2017 CE

Growing up impoverished in a dangerous, multiracial neighborhood where teachers in the schools spent most of their time disciplining with little time for teaching; Dresselhausbecame M.I.T.’s first woman full professor, organized their first Women’s Forum, worked hard to encourage more women in science, and now 22% of M.I.T.’s faculty are women. Winning numerous awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a pioneering researcher into the many uses of “buckyball” carbon atoms, she wrote over 1700 scientific papers, co-wrote 8 scientific books, helped discover many new scientific advancements including her research that developed the nonotube - something as strong as steel but one 10,000th the width of a human hair.


Quotes by Mildred Dresselhaus (1 quotes)

“I was happy to work on a project that most people thought was hard and not that interesting”

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