Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Francois Gerard

Juliette Récamier

(Jeanne-Françoise Julie Adélaïde Récamier)

1777 – 1849 CE

Prototype of beauty, grace, charm, and loyal integrity

Icon of neoclassicism, prototype of beauty and grace who with “a sensuous pliancy stirred a hundred males without any known harm to her virginity,” lover of literature, patron of artists and intellectuals; Juliette led an interesting life that purportedly included marrying her father when she was 15, being exiled from Paris by Napoleon for her liberal views, losing a great fortune but remaining dignified and influential, and turning down a marriage proposal from a Prussian Prince who she deeply loved. Sex is a kind of currency that women have used throughout the ages to get what they want—food, affection, wealth, power, fame, security. Unlike money though that grows with time and interest, this particular kind of currency normally diminishes with age. Juliette however, became so adept at using this natural resource that it continued working for her in spite of old age and even blindness.


Quotes by Juliette Récamier (1 quotes)

“If fine manners are so admirable in men, how much more effective are they in women.”

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