Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Sarvabhaksha སརྦ་བྷཀྵ།

( “The Glutton” )

late 8th, early 9th century

Mahasiddha #75

A born hungry, low caste man with an enormous appetite, Sarvabhaksha constantly dreamed about food, even after a huge feast. A chance meeting with the great siddha Saraha led to a vision of hungry ghosts—wretched wraiths with mouths like the eye of a needle and stomachs like an empty mountain—and a spiritual practice based on generosity and compassion. His insatiable desires shifted from food for himself to happiness for all sentient beings and he became a great teacher himself. His story demonstrates the the reality-changing power of visualization, both for the positive and the negative—on one hand the capacity of a Hitler to create a black magic hallucination creating the holocaust; on the other, positive visions like the American Dream, the Christian “Heaven on Earth”, and the Eastern Shambhala myths.



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Quotes by Sarvabhaksha (2 quotes)

“In ignorance, different flavors are distinct; in realization, all flavors are essential one.”

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“In ignorance, samsara and nirvana are separate; in realization, they are the union of pure pleasure.”

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Quotes about Sarvabhaksha (0 quotes)

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