Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Showing 301-320 of 14,092 items.
Georg Hegel

[With Heraclitus] we see land; there is no proposition of Heraclitus which I have not adopted in my Logic.

Virginia Woolf

[Wollstonecraft's] writing, arguments, and experiments in living are immortal: she is alive and active, she argues and experiments, we hear her voice and trace her influence even now among the living.


[Xenophon's prose is] sweeter than honey.

David MitchellUtopia Avenue

* Art is memory made public... as long as the art endures, a song or a view or a thought or a feeling someone once taught worth keeping is saved and stays shareable, others can say, 'I feel that too.'

David MitchellUtopia Avenue

* Marriage is an anchor, lads. Stops you drifting onto rocks, but stops you voyaging as well.

Chögyam TrungpaOrderly Chaos — The Mandala Principle

ViewYou will be able to develop American Buddhism, you will be able to teach the rest of the world, to go back to the Tibetans or the Indians and teach them what their earlier understanding was all about.

Mary Catherine Bateson

Rosa Parks triggered the civil rights movement and proved you can be an activist by sitting down.

Huston SmithWorld's Religions

Plato described ordinary life as unthinking, lived in a dim cave of shadowy reflections, but said that it is possible to leave the cave and see things in sunlit clarity as they actually are.


* Trust not too much to that enchanting face;
Beauty's a charm, but soon the charm will pass.


Happy the man, who, studying nature's laws,
Thro' known effects can trace the secret cause.

Lín Yǔtáng

Confucianism stood for a rationalized social order through the ethical approach, based on personal cultivation. It aimed at political order by laying the basis for it in a moral order, and it sought political harmony by trying to achieve the moral harmony in man himself. Thus its most curious characteristic was the abolition of the distinction between politics and ethics.

Lao TzuTao Te Ching 道德经 Dàodéjīng

Focused on uncontrived awareness, not seduced by hope and fear, grasping and fixation; they are not swayed by a desire for change.

Sigmund Freud

Hatred for Judaism is at bottom hatred for Christianity.

Henry Miller

No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance.

Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet

A Sermon Preached Before Fleas
My dear fleas, you are the cherished work of god; and this entire universe has been made for you. God created man only to serve as your food, the sun only to light your way, the stars only to please your sight, etc.

Deepak MalhotraPeacemaker's Code

At the heart of fear is uncertainty. If he could identify and accept even the worst possible outcome—without losing his resolve to act—he could eliminate uncertainty from the equation. He would strip fear of its power.

N. K. Jemisin

belonging is as quintessential to Staten Island–ness as toughness is to the Bronx and starting over is to Queens and weathering change is to Brooklyn

Colin WilsonOutsider

Demian is an example of the artist's miraculous power of surviving a mental earthquake... It is a question of self-realization. It is not enough to accept a concept of order and live by it; that is cowardice, and such cowardice cannot result in freedom. Chaos must be faced. Real order must be preceded by a descent into chaos. This is Hesse's conclusion.

Carl JungMemories, Dreams, Reflections

Faust—as I now realized with something of a shock—meant more to me than my beloved Gospel according to St. John. There was something in Faust that worked directly on my feelings... I was convinced that he was the answer which Goethe had given to his times.

Mingyur Rinpoche

Let it be makes it possible to see that our true nature is free from problems, distress, and suffering—and that it always has been... But this is not freedom from distress and anxiety. It is freedom that can be experience with stress and anxiety. We are liberated from suffering by correctly perceiving reality.